Municipal solid waste and production of subtitute natural gas and electricity as energy alternatives

Effect of the bench scale extraction conditions on pinus radiata bark extract yield, antioxidant properties and composition

Preparation of poly(vinyl chloride)/copper nanocomposite films with reduced bacterial adhesion

Separation of lignocellulosic components in acetic acid media and evaluation of applications

Torrefaction kinetics of red oak (Quercus rubra) in a fluidized reactor

The effect of multiwall carbon nanotubes on the in-plane shear behavior of epoxy glass fiber reinforced composites

The use of water-extractable Cu, Mo, Zn, As, Pb concentrations and automated mineral analysis of flue dust particles as tools for impact studies in topsoils exposed to past emissions of a Cu-smelter

Effect of P content in the conversion of guaiacol over Mo/Al2O3 catalysts

Phenylmercury degradation by heterogeneous photocatalysis assisted by UV-A light

Preparation and physical characterization of nanocomposites of PLA/layered silicates

Anthocyanin profiles in south Patagonian wild berries by HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS

Chemical remediation of an agricultural soil: a case study of the tsunami-affected area of Chile

Treatment of a mixture of chloromethoxyphenols in hypochlorite medium by electrochemical AOPs as an alternative for the remediation of pulp and paper mill process waters

New assessment of organic mercury formation of highly polluted sediments in the Lenga estuary, Chile

Thermal endurance and the thermal degradation kinetics of a Polypropylene/wood composite in an inert and oxidative atmospheres

Estudio de mezclas biodegradable de poli (butilen adipato-co- tereftalato) y almidón para aplicaciones alimenticias

Chemical modification of starch and modified clays by microwave

The graphene-NO reaction: initial insights from computational quantum chemistry

Alkali phenolates in graphene: electronic and geometric effects in catalytic gasification

Separation of lignocellulosic components in an acetic acid media and evaluation of applications

Technology Mining: A new approach for the process of Technology Surveillance and Competitive Intelligence from patents