The reduction of Fe-bearing copper slag for its use as a catalyst in carbon oxide hydrogenation to methane. A contribution to sustainable catalysis

Use of a steel waste as a catalyst in the hydrogenation of CO – kinetic study

C-doped anatase TiO2: Adsorption kinetics and photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue and phenol, and correlations with DFT estimations

Thermodynamics and kinetics of graphene reactions with H2O and CO2

Co-firing of coal/biomass blends in a pilot plant facility: A comparative study between Opuntia ficus-indica and Pinus radiata

Soot oxidation in the presence of NO over alumina-supported bimetallic catalysts K–Me (Me = Cu, Co, V)

Catalytic filters for the simultaneous removal of soot and NOx: Effect of CO2 and steam on the exhaust gas of diesel engines

Similarities and differences in O2 chemisorption on graphene nanoribbon vs. carbon nanotube

Pyrolyzed phthalocyanines as surrogate carbon catalysts: Initial insights into oxygen-transfer mechanisms

Thermogravimetric study of interactions in the pyrolysis of coal-biomass blends with Radiata pine sawdust

About the Active Phases of KNO3/Mgo for Catalytic Soot Combustion

Effect of Ca-Substitution in La1-Xcaxfeo3 Perovskites on the Catalytic Activity for Soot Combustion

Effect of Ag addition on the thermal stability and catalytic properties of LaFeO3 perovskite

Insight on the Promoting Effect of Zr and Ti on the Catalytic Properties of Rh/SiO2 for Partial Oxidation of Methane

Insights into dynamic surface processes occurring in Rh supported on Zr-grafted gamma-Al2O3 during dry reforming of methane

Soot oxidation on silver-substituted LaMn0.9Co0.1O3 perovskites

Magnesia-supported potassium oxide catalysts for soot combustion: effect of Fe addition on the catalyst activity and stability

Burnout synergic or inhibiting effects in combustion of coal-sawdust blends

Kinetics of oxygen transfer reactions on the graphene surface: Part I. NO vs. O2

Importancia del Agente Oxidante en la Preparación del Grafeno a Partir de Grafito Natural

An Update on the Thermochemistry and Kinetics of the Carbon-NO Reaction

Quantum chemistry of lithium graphene interactions: catalytic activity of the phenolate

The graphene-NO reaction: initial insights from computational quantum chemistry

Effect of A-site deficiency in LaMn0.9Co0.1O3 perovskites on their catalytic performance for soot combustion

On the structural and reactivity differences between biomass- and coal-derived chars

Catalytic combustion of soot. Effects of added alkali metals on CaO-MgO physical mixtures

Combustión catalítica de hollín con K/MgO. Fases activas del catalizador

Efecto de la modificación de SiO2 por injerto de Zr y Ti en la oxidación parcial catalítica de metano

Efecto de la porosidad del soporte carbonoso en la gasificación con O2 catalizada por Co y Cu

Retención de materia orgánica de licor industrial en carbones activados: Influencia de los grupos funcionales superficiales y la textura

Mezclas de CeO2 – MgO como soportes para la oxidación completa de una mezcla de CH4-C10H8

Estabilidad térmica y actividad catalítica durante la combustión completa de acetato de etilo en una perovskita de LaFeO3 dopada con Ag

Efecto del grado de sustitución de Ca en perovskitas La1-xCaxFe2O3 sobre la actividad catalítica para la combustión de hollín emitido por motores diesel

Utilización de K y Fe soportados en MgO, para la combustión catalítica de hollín