Fast Pyrolysis of Hemicelluloses into Short-Chain Acids: An Investigation on Concerted Mechanisms

Carbon Sequestration in Support of the “4 per 1000” Initiative Using Compost and Stable Biochar from Hazelnut Shells and Sunflower Husks

Waste tires pyrolysis kinetics and reaction mechanisms explained by TGA and Py-GC/MS under kinetically-controlled regime

Effect of citric acid leaching on the demineralization and thermal degradation behavior of sugarcane trash and bagasse

High performance thin layer chromatography determination of cellobiosan and levoglucosan in bio-oil obtained by fast pyrolysis of sawdust

Thermogravimetric study of interactions in the pyrolysis of coal-biomass blends with Radiata pine sawdust

Pyrolysis of pre-treated tannins obtained from radiata pine bark

Vacuum pyrolysis of agricultural wastes and adsorptive criteria description of biochars governed by the presence of oxides

Bio-oil production from biomass by flash pyrolysis in a three stage fluidized bed reactors system

Lignocellulose pyrolysis with condensable volatiles quantification by thermogravimetric analysis—Thermal desorption/gas chromatography–mass spectrometry method

Energy conversion assessment of vacuum, slow and fast pyrolysis processes for low and high ash paper waste sludge

Preliminary biorefinery process proposal for protein and biofuels recovery from microalgae

Pyrolysis and combustion of municipal solid wastes: Evaluation of synergistic effects using TGA-MS

Valorisation of paper waste sludge via fermentation and pyrolysis