On the methane adsorption capacity of activated carbons: in search of a correlation with adsorbent properties

Tribromophenol and Pentachlorophenol uptake from Sawdust to Horticultural Products

Active Sites in Graphene and the Mechanism of CO2 Formation in Carbon Oxidation

Thermogravimetric study of interactions in the pyrolysis of coal-biomass blends with Radiata pine sawdust
Catalytic ozone aqueous decomposition promoted by natural zeolite and volcanic sand

Isolation of Arsenite-Oxidizing Bacteria from Arsenic-Enriched Sediments from Camarones River in Northern Chile

Anthocyanins that confer characteristic color to red copihue flowers (Lapageria rosea)

Detoxification of Waste Water Contaminated with Imidacloprid using Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Photo-Fenton Processes

Producción y Uso de Gases Biogénicos

UDT, La Valoración de Residuos

Valorización de Pasivos Mineros: Caso relaves

Madera Nativa Como Fuente de Energía

Surface Chemical and Electrochemical Properties of Carbons

Über Untersuchungsmethoden als Beitrag zu einer verbesserten Abfallbewirtschaftung in latein-amerikanischen Schewellenländern

Inventario Nacional de Fuentes de Emisión de Dioxinas y Furanos 2009

Relación de la investigación y la gestión de Sustancias Químicas en Chile

Challenges for Sustainable Biomass Utilisation

Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Cellulose Production in Chile: Impacts on Global Warming and Natural Resources

Determination of Logistic Chain Supply for Biogas Production in Bio Bio Valley, Chile