Evaluation of ion exchange resins for iron control in copper electro-winning solutions

Arsenic Mobilization by Epilithic Bacterial Communities Associated with Volcanic Rocks from Camarones River, Atacama Desert, Northern Chile

Effect of Zeolite Chemical Surface Properties on Catalytic Ozonation of Methylene Blue Contaminated Waters

Kinetic study of Imidacloprid Removal by Advanced Oxidation Based on Photo-Fenton Process

Heterogeneous Catalytic Ozonation of Cationic Dyes Using Volcanic Sand

Kinetics and Reaction Mechanisms of High Temperature flash Oxidation of Molybdenite

About the Active Phases of KNO3/Mgo for Catalytic Soot Combustion

Effect of Ca-Substitution in La1-Xcaxfeo3 Perovskites on the Catalytic Activity for Soot Combustion

Effect of Ag addition on the thermal stability and catalytic properties of LaFeO3 perovskite

Alternatives for Sample Pre-Treatment and HPLC Determination of Ochratoxin a in Red Wine Using Fluorescence Detection

Polyphenols and Antioxidant Activity of Calafate (Berberis Microphylla) Fruits and Other Native Berries From Southern Chile

Insight on the Promoting Effect of Zr and Ti on the Catalytic Properties of Rh/SiO2 for Partial Oxidation of Methane

Fast Pyrolysis of Lignins

Relevance of Sulfiding Pretreatment on the Performance of Re/Zro2 and Re/Zro2-Sulfated Catalysts for the Hydrodeoxygenation of Guayacol

Effect of Layers Relative Moisture Content on the IB Strength of Pine Tannin Bonded Particleboard

Wood Panel Adhesives from Low Molecular Mass Lignin and Tannin Without Synthetic Resins

MALDI-TOF and 13C NMR characterization of maritime pine industrial tannin extract

Gluten Protein Adhesives for Wood Panels

Extraction of Condensed Tannins From Grape Pomance for use as Wood Adhesive

Extraction, Characterization and Utilization of Organosolv Miscanthus Lignin for the Conception of Environmentally Friendly Mixed Tannin/Lignin Wood Resins

Accurate Stress Computation in Plane Strain Tensile Tests for Sheet Metal Using Experimental Data

Recovery of Molybdenum from Roasted Copper Slags

Gold and Silver Cyanidation from a Residue Produced by Leaching Dead-Roasted Copper White Metal

Influencia de la Composición Química Superficial del Carbón Activado en la Adsorción de Benzotiazoles

Recuperación de Reactivos y Sustancias Orgánicas de Alto Peso Molecular en el Pulpaje Semiquímico al Sulfito Neutro Mediante Ultrafiltración

Huella de Carbono de Productos y Organizaciones: Los Nuevos Desafíos

Forestry Biomass as a Feedstock for Energy Production in Chile: Challenges and Opportunities

Development of a flash pyrolisis process in a three-stages fluidized bed reactor

Study for the Production of Gypsum in the Acid Effluent Treatment Plant of Paipote Smelter

Potential for Production and Marketing of Bio-Oil Based Chemicals in Chile

Cogeneration Using Residual Forest Biomass – A Case of Study Under Chilean Economic Framework Conditions