Evaluation of microextraction by packed sorbent, liquid-liquid microextraction and derivatization pretreatment of diet-derived phenolic acids in plasma by gas

Journal of separation Science, Volume 40, June 2017, Pages 3487-3496

DOI: 10.1002/jssc.201700343


Miniaturized sample pretreatments for the analysis of phenolic metabolites in plasma, involving protein precipitation, enzymatic deconjugation, extraction procedures, and different derivatization reactions were systematically evaluated. The analyses were conducted by gas chromatography with mass spectrometry for the evaluation of 40 diet‐derived phenolic compounds. Enzyme purification was necessary for the phenolic deconjugation before extraction. Trimethylsilanization reagent and two different tetrabutylammonium salts for derivatization reactions were compared. The optimum reaction conditions were 50 μL of trimethylsilanization reagent at 90°C for 30 min, while tetrabutylammonium salts were associated with loss of sensitivity due to rapid activation of the inert gas chromatograph liner. Phenolic acids extractions from plasma were optimized. Optimal microextraction by packed sorbent performance was achieved using an octadecylsilyl packed bed and better recoveries for less polar compounds, such as methoxylated derivatives, were observed. Despite the low recovery for many analytes, repeatability using an automated extraction procedure in the gas chromatograph inlet was 2.5%. Instead, using liquid–liquid microextraction, better recoveries (80–110%) for all analytes were observed at the expense of repeatability (3.8–18.4%). The phenolic compounds in gerbil plasma samples, collected before and 4 h after the administration of a calafate extract, were analyzed with the optimized methodology.

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