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Statistical features of epoxy resin based hybrid composites reinforced with jute, banana and flax natural fibers • Publicaciones UDT

Statistical features of epoxy resin based hybrid composites reinforced with jute, banana and flax natural fibers

Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 54:1 (2019) 35-47.


This paper treats the wear behavior of epoxy resin composites reinforced with jute, banana and flax natural fibers. The test specimens are prepared and tested as per ASTM standard. The experiments are conducted by using a pin on disc machine. An empirical relation is used to estimate the wear using a statistical regression analysis, Yate’s algorithm and a variance analysis (ANOVA) for the hybrid composites. The results indicate that the highest wear is observed in case of 20 % fiber volume fraction and 500 rpm, while the lowest one is found at 30 % volume fraction and 300 rpm. The composites fracture surface shows ductile tear ridges and cracked fiber particles indicative of both ductile and brittle fractures.

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