3er Congreso Iberoamericano sobre Biorrefinerías (CIAB), 4to Congreso Latinoamericano sobre Biorrefinerías y 2do Simposio Internacional sobre Materiales Lignocelulósicos. Abstract book pp 128-129 (2015).
Adhesives are involved in several industrial processes and comprise a wide range of applications (e.g., construction, aerospace, automotive, marine and bio-medical). Despite significant scientific progress, the design and modeling of joint adhesives remains under constant research. The mechanical behavior of composite materials is very complex due to inter- relationships among different factors, such as adhesive-substrate interaction, substrate nature, surfacing characteristics and operational conditions in board manufacturing. To address some of these issues, the Automated Bonding Evaluation System (ABES) was developed; it optimizes resources and improves the accuracy of board laboratory manufacture. ABES shows how strength is developed and affected by temperature, adhesive type, as well as substrate nature and process conditions. The present study illustrates the potential of ABES for several adhesives and test configurations. By varying the adhesives and substrate conditions it is possible to obtain information about adhesion performance and adhesive bond development under a wide range of conditions. Moreover, this contribution intends to explore how adhesion affects the design of board composite materials.