Formulation of a multifunctional coating based on polyphenols extracted from the Pine radiata bark and functionalized zinc oxide nanoparticles: Evaluation of hydrophobic and anticorrosive properties

Assessment of a Fenton reaction driven by insoluble tannins from pine bark in treating an emergent contaminant

Condensed tannin reactivity inhibition by internal rearrengements: detection by Cp-Mas 13c Nmr

Wood Panel Adhesives from Low Molecular Mass Lignin and Tannin Without Synthetic Resins

MALDI-TOF and 13C NMR characterization of maritime pine industrial tannin extract

Extraction of Condensed Tannins From Grape Pomance for use as Wood Adhesive

Extraction, Characterization and Utilization of Organosolv Miscanthus Lignin for the Conception of Environmentally Friendly Mixed Tannin/Lignin Wood Resins

Pyrolysis of pre-treated tannins obtained from radiata pine bark

Hydroxypropyl tannin from Pinus pinaster bark as polyol source in urethane chemistry